Monday, January 31, 2022

Getting to know the Supreme Court....


     Taking a look back into History is such a crucial and beneficial idea that I believe everyone should do. History is what shapes us and gives us a better understanding of why the world is the way it is and what works and what doesn’t. It also shows areas of exponential growth in some factors and positive changes. It can also show where change is vital especially when there are still issues from centuries ago that we still deal with today. Digging deeper in relation to the Supreme Court there is a lot that can be learned from what it used to be to what it is now. The Supreme Court is a crucial factor in our government, if not the most important piece of the puzzle. After some reading and research, there is a lot of new information I learned and allowed me to better understand what the Supreme Court really is. As someone who is into history and its importance I still feel there is always more to learn. For example, when reading I learned that the Supreme Court was established in 1789. I also now know that George Washington was involved in the making of the Supreme Court and the way it was organized. The Supreme Court used to be a tad different and of course changed over time with trial and error.

    As crazy as it sounds, the first Supreme Court’s first meeting was held in New York City on February 2nd, 1790. At this time period, there were six justices which has changed now to nine justices. It was interesting to read that during their first term they actually didn’t serve but focused more on working out the kinks and how they were going to be the most successful. When it was time to roll, the Supreme Court’s first hearing was on August 3, 1791 regarding an issue between a farmer and a family which he owed money to. This case was quickly resolved one day after the hearing which was also new information to me. I think a big takeaway regarding the Supreme Court is its involvement and importance.

    When people think about who is making decisions for this country it is all on the president. Of course, the president has involvement but not as much as we think. The Supreme Court needs to approve of the ideas and plans and has a very large say. I think that is something a lot of people tend to forget and I think it is important to realize all the puzzle pieces within the government and their decisions. The article that I read was definitely an eye opener for me on what the Supreme Court really is the importance that they hold for our country. It’s also really cool to see how old cases that were brought to the Supreme Court have impacted laws we have and follow today. It is also very sad to see cases such as Brown v. Board of Education with racism which is still a very heavy and relevant problem we still deal with today. Yes, there has been some growth but we are not even close to where we should be. Overall, History is such a vital factor in our lives and our reality which is something people overlook.

Get your daily dose of History today!

Top 5 News Sources

When it comes to news regarding politics, Fox News is credible and more biased towards the Republican party. The Fox News channel is usually in favor of the Republican party and paints them in a brighter picture. As someone who has more of a neutral opinion I like to be able to read both sides which is why I also read other news sources that are in favor of the democrat party so I can compare and see what lines up and what may be misconstrued. You can check out their website linked here: to check out their content.

    Another political news resource, CNN, is a source that is credible but usually more biased towards the Democrat Party. CNN usually sides with that party and makes them look better. It is nice to read a news source from the other side to be able to compare and contrast and to be able to form my own opinion based on what CNN says versus what Fox News says when regarding politics. For more insight on what CNN is all about you can check it out here: .

ESPN is another great source but the main focus is sports which is a great outlet for sports fans. As someone who is invested in sports and of course being from Boston, I love to stay up to date on my home teams and any other big sports drama. ESPN is a reliable source to relay information regarding any updates, stats, schedules, information, etc.

    Twitter is another good news source that is credible but also information can be misconstrued just like any other source of social media. Twitter is an outlet that allows you to get updates from specific people you may want to hear from or you can follow any account you chose that corresponds with what you may want to hear more than others. Even without following people, Twitter allows you to see what's happening in the world with their trending tab allowing you to stay up to date with the world and in society.

    E News may not always be a completely credible source but it is a source with loads of information. E News is a great source to find what is happening in the Hollywood world and in that kind of world for people that are involved and invested in that type of society. E News can keep you up to date on your favorite celebrities and all of their drama which is an entertaining source but also may not always be true but always keeps you entertained and up to date on the celeb life.  


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