Saturday, April 23, 2022


These new rules were meant to protect our privacy. They don't work |  Stephanie Hare | The Guardian

        Technology is something that has completely evolved and completely changed our worlds in all sorts of ways. Technology is everywhere, all the time, even when you may not even know it. With technology comes social media, messaging, emails, phone calls, etc. All these things are so present and normal but people don’t realize how much information is truly coming from these things. When you post something on social media, or send an email people think these things are easily removable since there is a delete feature. Well, this is where a lot of people are wrong and don’t see the true danger of it and total invasion of privacy that comes out of it. Social media and such are all electronic tattoos. Once you post or send something it is out there no matter how many times you try to delete it it's impossible due to the privacy issue. A major example within this is trying to get a career in the future and something you regret posting could cost you your career and future. Privacy is a major issue and something that seems to be completely disregarded by the government.

Facial recognition technology: force for good or privacy threat? |  Malwarebytes Labs

    With technology it is insanely easy for facial recognition and pairing it with a profile or person. This could lead to severe hacking and when you may think you're on a call with just your friend you could have a hacker, stalker, or criminal joining in as well due to the surveillance break ins within telephone companies which is quite frightening actually. The lack of safety and protection is very harmful to every individual even if people think it doesn’t apply to them, it very well does. Something that benefits our protection is encryption, encryption is where the information being sent such as a text is protected and only for the receiver and sender to view.

5 Common Encryption Algorithms and the Unbreakables of the Future

The only problem the government has with this is their lack of access which is obviously not in their favor but the people’s. This is a serious issue and has a lot of impact in our world and it makes the world a scarier place for sure. Some preventative things are be careful what you post, what you share, and even what you search because it is all going to be used against you or will “represent” you even if that’s not who you truly are.

Diffusion Theory

Diffusion of Innovation Theory | Canadian Journal of Nursing Informatics

Our world is constantly changing and what is “cool” or the new “big thing” is always unpredictable as to what is coming next. In our world, people are very influenced based on the new societal innovation which parallels the Diffusion Theory. The Diffusion Theory is a theory that seeks to explain how, why, and at what rate new ideas and technology spread. The theory covers a lot about the way the social system works and how it impacts our world. It puts light on how  People catch on and the spread comes from the communication channel which causes people to be influenced and to become a part of a certain idea or concept. 

Social Media Icons Vector Art, Icons, and Graphics for Free Download

People become early adopters due to the societal factor of the popularity or the social dynamic of the idea. There are usually more early adopters when it's a big idea or concept a lot of people are into or intrigued by right off the bat with little influence. For example, social media early adopters would be millennials because it is what is new and cool. Younger crowds are usually more persuaded by the people and societal norms which in this case is social media. People adopt early so they don’t “miss out” on what is going on in the world. 

People who are considered late adopters are people who are more skeptical of the idea and think more about the little things and are more nit picky of the idea. If you use the social media example, people who may be considered a late adopter would be the older generations or the younger people who can not use it yet. Older people would be looked at as late adopters because the idea of technology and social media is not as appealing or accesibile for them as it may be a teenager or someone in their younger years.People who don’t adopt are usually people who just have no interest, too strong of opinion to be influenced or persuaded, or simply just don’t care for the idea or concept.The downsides of the Diffusion Theory would be things that are too specific to certain groups where it only applies to certain people leaving the communication channel rather weak and biased. It also may be negative due to people’s stubbornness of ideas and opinion on whatever is trying to be communicated or supported. The benefits of this are certain groups and certain people who do have the same influences or ideas which creates that communication channel and spreads the word faster allowing more adopters and such. I feel as if the most persuaded or influenced would be the age group around 15-30 because it is all about being socially impacted and up to date with what is happening in the world. 


Thursday, February 17, 2022

     A technology that I was intrigued by when learning about was the Pager. The Pager is very well known and was what was reality before phones came out. The Pager was when you would get a beep from a number not even a message and then that implied to get in touch. Pagers were also highly used in hospitals and that was the first place pagers were used. Pagers were looked at as very reliable even though there was only so much you could do with them. The pager was invented in 1921 and was mass produced. By the 1980s, pagers and their role took a huge turn and over 3.2 million were being sold, produced, and being used everyday which shows just how important they were during this time period. The pager had many benefits and was more of a positive invention. One key thing about the pager was it could be used in dead service which was especially crucial for hospitals and smooth sailing with emergencies. Another thing about pagers was they were inexpensive which allowed for the majority of people to be able to get their hands on them. These pagers also have long battery life which is a crucial and appealing benefit so their life span isn’t something that needs to be worried about. Of course the pager does have some down sides. With the pager, you couldn’t respond so you had to go to the nearest phone which doesn’t allow instant contact with the person paging you. The messages on the pagers also had to be super short which doesn’t allow you to get out what you need to in that instance. The pager was a crucial thing during this time period and I believe that the pros outweigh the cons and our technology has immensely grown since.


Antiwar is something that is very underground and something that is rarely talked about. Antiwar is people who are against starting a conflict and don’t agree with the idea of war. I think Antiwar is something that isn’t well publicized because of the government and people filtering out that voice and idea. The decision of war of course is decided by the government and the President of the United States when they feel that it is necessary. The government filters these ideas and concepts of Anti War because they do not want more and more people to see and maybe have some sort of awakening. People who are Antiwar see better solutions that don’t imply debt and violence. With war comes people losing their loved ones and the United States having an increase of debt which leads to an increase of taxes. The people do not want this and if people become more aware of this they may be against the government and the government wants to avoid any conflict of an opposing opinion. The government keeps this from us because they believe the less we know the better. Another reason I think Antiwar is not talked about is because sometimes it just is not realistic and not maintainable. A lot of people have strong opinions in this world and a lot of disagreement with the government is a very present issue. Some people would be very against Antiwar for the protection of our country and what is best for our country. Some people would refute that sometimes war is the only thing that can end conflict even when there are downfalls. All of this aside, it still is not a reason for the antiwar movement to be brushed under the rug. The idea of hiding it and leaving it out is childish and unnecessary because people are going to resonate with what sits right with their morals and ideas. The media is so present in society today and chooses to leave this out when the Antiwar movement is a big deal and idea. If the media has plenty of time to present pointless and irrelevant stories they have plenty of time to discuss the idea of Antiwar.

                         Want to inform yourself? Check out their website:

Thursday, February 10, 2022

All About Youtube


    Technology has grown leaps and bounds and continues on the rise every minute of everyday. Nowadays we have so many forms of social media and so many forms of technology and it doesn’t seem to be slowing down. At the touch of a button we have endless sources of pictures, updates, chats, videos, news, it is all right there and so accessible. Youtube is a technology well known by almost everybody and a form of technology that almost everyone has probably used. Youtube has its own story as to how it got its start and how it has transformed to something amazing. Youtube was invented by three friends Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim in one of their basements. The idea of Youtube came from these three when they made an at home video and realized they had nowhere to post it and bam then came Youtube. Youtube started out strong as they launched on February 15, 2005 and had a soft opening in May 2005. The site was already bringing in 30,000 people and that was just the beginning as they have grown to 100 million per day in 2006 and it has only continued to skyrocket. While this kind of response to Youtube was exciting, these guys simply didn’t have the funds and equipment necessary to support this crazy start. Youtube began to look for a buyer and Google ended up buying Youtube for $1.65 billion dollars in stocks after they had a failed video service. 

Youtube is now the second most visited website after Google, of course. Youtube has definitely changed our world and technology for the better and I can’t imagine a world without it. Youtube is an outlet for so many things such as music, workout videos, makeup and hair tutorials, item reviews, cooking tutorials, educational videos, video gaming tricks, best way to clean your kitchen sink, literally anything you can think of is probably on Youtube. Youtube has even given people some very successful careers whether it's being a vlogger or people who successfully make videos or tutorials. There is still a lot of money that can be made as a Youtuber, as crazy as it sounds. Youtube is such a resource and honestly has helped people learn so many new things with the click of a button for the cost of nothing! Youtube changed the world by allowing endless opportunity and a place for people to express themselves. The problems it has sold is lack of resources and access to things that they need. It also is a great form of communication when people want their voice to be heard Youtube is a great place to be heard. Obviously, Youtube has so many pros but of course with everything comes some cons. 

While Youtube has the pros of endless resources, information, and forms of self expression, the negatives of mental health and overexposure can become a serious issue. Youtube can become addictive especially since it has the “Up Next” gadget which one video could turn into hours. For children, they can find almost anything on Youtube so its important parents keep that monitored to avoid the over exposure. Lastly, things seen on Youtube or comparison can always lead to mental health problems like many other forms of social media which is why it's crucial to overuse it. Overall, Youtube has changed our world for the better and has gone from just a basement idea to a brilliant source.

Watch the first ever Youtube video -->

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Eight Values of Free Expression


    The Eight Values of Free Expression all have significant meaning and all carry importance for different reasoning. The one that resonates most with me is Individual Self-Fulfillment. A direct definition of that would state, “
Free speech enables individuals to express themselves and thereby create their own identity — and, in the process perhaps, find kindred spirits. Freedom of speech thus becomes an aspect of human dignity, human agency and autonomy.” This is all about self expression and fulfilling who we are as people. This sits tight with me because I think I have always had the problem of being too sheltered and had a hard time expressing myself. I think being able to speak up and express yourself and what represents you is a crucial routine that needs to be had. The older and more comfortable I get with who I am inside and out my free expression is becoming more and more prominent. The confidence that I get from that makes me stronger and fulfilled by making my voice heard. This value allows people to have their voices heard and to express their identity and what makes them who they are. Obviously in the world people are going to disagree with our self expression or how we identify as people but pleasing everyone is nearly impossible. With this value, our values and expression are protected and just because people may not think it's right, it is still protected and supported. If we take a look back and see where this resonates in society today, we can see a very relevant source such as social media.

Social media is all sorts of ways people express themselves and we may not even know it but it's happening when it is right in front of our screens and faces. Sources like Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Snapchat, Twitter, etc the list goes on are all very accessible and very well used in our everyday lives. The outlets allow people to post whatever they want if it's appropriate of course but people can freely represent themselves. Every individual's profile is basically a representation of the self so your profile can show a lot about who you are so it's key to make sure it's an accurate representation of who we are. Although it may sound silly, we do so much self representation and don’t even know it. For example, Instagram stories are a big thing that kind of show me who someone is regarding politics, someone’s favorite type of music, food, tv shows, etc. It tells us so much about people without even knowing it.

A flaw I could see where social media is negative is because people don’t actually express themselves, they represent a false version of themselves. Imagine if the world was not afraid to express who they truly are and how much happier people would be. People try so hard to try and post what they think other people want to see or what other people will think is “cool”. Elle Woods once said “Staying true to yourself never goes out of style” and that is something that I live by and think everyone should be and even the Value of Expression wants you to! 

The BUTTER routine for you