Saturday, April 23, 2022

Diffusion Theory

Diffusion of Innovation Theory | Canadian Journal of Nursing Informatics

Our world is constantly changing and what is “cool” or the new “big thing” is always unpredictable as to what is coming next. In our world, people are very influenced based on the new societal innovation which parallels the Diffusion Theory. The Diffusion Theory is a theory that seeks to explain how, why, and at what rate new ideas and technology spread. The theory covers a lot about the way the social system works and how it impacts our world. It puts light on how  People catch on and the spread comes from the communication channel which causes people to be influenced and to become a part of a certain idea or concept. 

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People become early adopters due to the societal factor of the popularity or the social dynamic of the idea. There are usually more early adopters when it's a big idea or concept a lot of people are into or intrigued by right off the bat with little influence. For example, social media early adopters would be millennials because it is what is new and cool. Younger crowds are usually more persuaded by the people and societal norms which in this case is social media. People adopt early so they don’t “miss out” on what is going on in the world. 

People who are considered late adopters are people who are more skeptical of the idea and think more about the little things and are more nit picky of the idea. If you use the social media example, people who may be considered a late adopter would be the older generations or the younger people who can not use it yet. Older people would be looked at as late adopters because the idea of technology and social media is not as appealing or accesibile for them as it may be a teenager or someone in their younger years.People who don’t adopt are usually people who just have no interest, too strong of opinion to be influenced or persuaded, or simply just don’t care for the idea or concept.The downsides of the Diffusion Theory would be things that are too specific to certain groups where it only applies to certain people leaving the communication channel rather weak and biased. It also may be negative due to people’s stubbornness of ideas and opinion on whatever is trying to be communicated or supported. The benefits of this are certain groups and certain people who do have the same influences or ideas which creates that communication channel and spreads the word faster allowing more adopters and such. I feel as if the most persuaded or influenced would be the age group around 15-30 because it is all about being socially impacted and up to date with what is happening in the world. 


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